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format file bean

What is a bean file and how do I open a bean file?

A BEAN file is a document file created through the Bean Word Processing Program. This program is currently being used by Mac computers and is considered user friendly by many users. This is due to the fact that BEAN Word Processing was designed to be uncluttered and fast. It gives writing a new approach that is efficient and convenient. BEAN is freeware and can be downloaded without any problem. It is recommended for use in writing articles because of its quickness when accessed. Users find it very handy because of the basic platform it carries and simplicity. It is not meant to compete against programs like Microsoft Word, OpenOffice.org Writer and LibreOffice Writer, but the features included are basic enough for any user. The programming language used is Objective-C and various operations are made possible through Cocoa Framework of Mac OS X. The person behind the BEAN word processor is James Hoover.

Mac OS
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Detail bean file extension information:
File Type: bean
File Format: Bean Rich Text Document
Primary Association: Text Files