What is an aw file and how do I open an aw file?
Answer Wizard files are data files saved in the .aw format using an application developed by Microsoft. The Microsoft Answer Wizard Builder software is used to create these AW files, and this application can also be installed and used to open these .aw files. This software can also be used to make edits to the content stored in an AW file. The data stored in these AW files are referenced by the Microsoft Windows Answer Wizard Builder each time a user enters a set of keywords in the search feature integrated into the help documentation applet of programs developed by Microsoft. The Microsoft Answer Builder software locates the associated AW file in these instances to reference the data about the corresponding help topic relevant to the search terms entered by the user. This software can be used to create additional help documentation content to existing help data of Microsoft applications. The data stored in files appended with the .aw extension may contain keywords, indexes and help topics associated to those keywords. The Microsoft Word 2010 word processing application and the Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet software can be used to open and view the content of these AW files, among other Microsoft programs.
Recommended aw file download:
Detail aw file extension information:
File Format: Answer Wizard File
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: application/x-applix, application/x-applix-document, text/x-applix-word
Relevant aw file links:
How to open aw file on YoutubeHow to open aw file on Wikipedia
How to open aw file on Microsoft.com